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How do I contact you in case of a pastoral emergency?

If someone needs to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick,

NOTE: During the pandemic, Father Harris is following his doctor's instructions to refrain from visiting the hospitals due to his pre-existing conditions. His brother priests in the area know about it. They can be available when they are able for pastoral emergencies.


please call the Parish Office (410.922.3800, ext. 4)

during Office Hours (Monday - Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM)

or the Answering Service after hours (410.879.2831).


When Father Harris is on his day off (Wednesdays) or on vacation (announced in the Sunday Bulletin), please contact a neighboring parish:

Sacred Heart Parish, Glyndon



Saint Charles Borromeo Parish, Pkesville


Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez Parish, Woodstock



Saint Joseph Parish, Eldersburg


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